Wednesday 5 October 2011


Today as I thought of objectivity and subjectivity, collective ideals and relative ideals, collective reason and relative reason... it dawned on me the difficulty of defining reason. Reason seems to be influenced by many factors like belief,culture,experience,religion and science. In my amateur understanding it gains the uniqueness of relativity and subjectivity when the weightage and combination of factors differ. What if we all grew up in a similar environment,exposed to the same factors and doing the same activities would our idea of reason be the same? I guess not considering everything about our nature is different. I suppose it brings back the nature Vs culture argument.What if all of us who have approximately similar characteristics were exposed to the same environment would our reason be the same? I think that in such a case the difference amongst us should also be same but that I know is impossible.

There are certain things though which have become extremely daunting for me to concieve over the past few days. Should we even define reason? If we do how does it effect our being? Are we living then in a designed environment that forces a certain predetermined concept of reason? These are questions I hope to explore over the course of the next few years....

Tuesday 4 October 2011


The idea for this blog came from reading Plato's allegory of the cave. If it were true and if the reality known to us is fictional while its true form lay elsewhere, our journey of exploration has just begun. This blog seeks to redefine the way we view and use idealism.It challenges current notions of practicality especially in the realm of sustainability.

Ideals are those perfect forms or thoughts which are de facto unattainable but this blog will experiment in making our ideals a workable reality and question its idyllic character in every which way. We will engage in creative thinking to make our ideals reachable what ever they may be. I look forward to some challenging writing exercises and discussions taking place.